An Epic Novel Set In The Wild West Frontier
A gripping, sometimes humorous, time with the Pinkerton men trying to find the evil head of a gang that is terrorizing Western towns.

About The Author
About The Author
Meet Will Hutchison
Will Hutchison is the award-winning author of the fictional Ian Carlyle Series, covering the adventures of Ian Carlyle, a Scottish nobleman and military officer, through the Crimean War, the American Civil War, and the American Indian Wars. (Follow Me to Glory, The Gettysburg Conspiracy, and Satan’s Last Whisper).
He is also the author and photographer of two critically acclaimed, award-winning, historical and photographic works: Crimean Memories: Artefacts of the Crimean War, and Artifacts of the Battle of the Little Big Horn. Will spent a significant part of his life in often dangerous endeavors – leading Marines in combat, working as an undercover drug agent in Europe, and conducting counter-terrorism initiatives at nuclear plants. Will is a sought-after international lecturer on nineteenth century wars. He is a graduate of Syracuse University and attended Corcoran School of Photography. Will now resides in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, where he writes, consults, teaches, and takes amazing photographs.

Award-Winning Ian Carlyle Series
Internationally Acclaimed Photographic Chronicle
This book is a comprehensive photographic essay on surviving artefacts from the Crimean War, fought 150 years ago. The authors spent two years photographing artefacts in museums and private collections across Great Britain and Ireland. Each artefact is presented with detailed colour photographs and informative text on its properties, history, and origin. Organized into chapters on soldiers’ clothing, equipment, and weapons, this work is an invaluable resource for military researchers and historians.

A Commemorative Work of the 140th Year of the Battle
- Years were spent photographing and acquiring artifacts in museums and private collections, which are presented here in vivid, high-resolution color photographs, shot from various angles with the researcher and collector in mind.
- The photographs are catalogued under chapters devoted to the battle, Custer's 7th Cavalry, and the Lakota and Cheyenne warriors who fought them.
- Hundreds of photographic images accompanying the chapters are filled with informative descriptions regarding physical properties, history, origin of the items, and the stories behind them.
Graphic, Chilling, and Pure Evil
"This is a must read for those looking for the next twisting, turning, adventure!"

I've known Will for almost thirty years and, I never knew he could take such great pictures, for that matter write about history so informative and entertaining. I enjoyed every page and I learned a lot about the Crimean war. Thanks buddy for a great experience.
Keith G.
Crimean Memories Artefacts of the Crimean War
A couple of friends picked up this book and it brought to me. They told me "you gotta see this book. You're gonna love it." They were right! Hutchison's photography is outstanding. The description of the Crimean war is detailed and easy to Picture in your mind's eye. My friends were right. I do love It. I also checked out Hutchison's other books, same quality. I think you should check out "Follow Me to Glory," and "The Gettysburg Conspiracy."
Jack V.
Crimean Memories Artefacts of the Crimean War
Will and I met about eight years ago at a Writer's Group Book Club. I always thought of him as an history author, never thought of him as a mystery writer. But, I went to support him at a book signing and picked up "Secrets of the Stones." I'm very excited to tell you that it is a wonderful suspenseful thriller. It's about a Federal agent that disappears suddenly, in the midst of a marital upheaval and a criminal gang war. He is never to be seen nor heard from again. I couldn't put it down.
Bonnie C.
Secrets of the Stones
I have read all books in the Ian Carlyle series. I really love all the books. The history is real, the characters come alive and, the action is exciting. I can’t wait to read another of this author’s books.
Ian Carlyle Series
WOW! What a story, all I can say is it’s the kind of book I can’t put down until I know how it ends. The development of the characters made me think of who would play them in a movie.
Secrets of the Stones
I like writers to be well versed in their subject matter. I think I have selected a winner with Hutchison. Just look at his resumes as an investigator with the Military and the Feds. The investigative approach in Secrets of the Stones is followed in a professional way. It has the smell of a real investigation….maybe a true story. Do yourself a favor and take this book and writer out for a test drive. You won’t be disappointed.
Secrets of the Stones
Hutchison offers a compelling look inside the actions of soldiers and people affected by the Civil War. Mostly I was carried away with what must have been the emotions during the Gettysburg Address by Lincoln and his almost assignation. It made me feel like I was actually in the cemetery.
The Gettysburg Conspiracy
I have followed Ian Carlyle from his coming of age through military tough times and good times. In this book Ian is definitely opening a new chapter in his life and, it begins in Canada and the great North West. How cool is that!
Satan’s Last Whisper
I just read on a social media site that Will Hutchison’s photography and historical study “Artifats of the Battle of Little Big Horn was awarded the Jay D. Smith Award to an author whose book has made a strong contribution in the field of Custermania. Absolutely well-deserved. I say “Bravo!” Will.